We gratefully work with a professional line-up of wholesale growers across North America to bring our new plant introductions to market. We appreciate when they share their marketing efforts with us so we can promote them and the plants they are growing on social media or in our monthly e-newsletters.
As an example, we’d like to share some marketing inspiration from Hoffman Nursery in North Carolina. In conjunction with #MANTS2021, Hoffman’s hosted ‘Chats with the Breeders’ including Carex EverColor Everglow’s Pat Fitzgerald and Thierry & Sandrine Delabroye for Chameleon Little Bluestem.
Additionally, Hoffman’s created striking sales sheets for both of these plants utilizing in part our photography. Don’t forget that we have available a vast array of photography, including lifestyle shots, that growers, retailers, garden communicators, landscape designers and more, can utilize in their own sales and marketing efforts either to homeowners or the green industry. Simply go to conceptplants.com and click on the Press button in the upper right-hand corner of the home page to access.